Women at the Well

Wednesdays at 6:45pm in the multipurpose room

In biblical times, women often gathered at the town well to draw water and to offer stories, support and friendship. The group formerly known as Blessed is She at our parish is looking to start anew. We think “The Women at the Well” best describes our group and our purpose. We gather weekly to study the word of God, pray for each other, our families, friends and parish, and tell stories about our journeys in faith. We decide together what materials we want to use to enhance our lessons in faith. Catholic books, videos and podcasts have been part of our journey in the past. 

If you’d like some companionship on your spiritual journey, join us on Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the multipurpose room. Come as you are able – every week, once in a while, or whenever you can make it!

If you are interested in joining us, need more information, or have any questions, please contact womenatthewell@hspalmyra.com.