“To seek to know the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ; to celebrate together as a Catholic family of faith; and to share our gifts and talents in loving service to others.”

Parish Office  717-838-3369
Mass Times

Weekly Bulletin

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Weekend Mass Worship Aid

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Access our online parish directory: https:members.instantchurchdirectory.com
Sign up for the directory here.


Parish Office closed due to weather today, February 6.
9am Mass is canceled today, February 6 due to the weather conditions and roads being icy.


Diocesan Annual Campaign 2025:
For information regarding the Diocesan Annual Campaign (DAC) and how some of these funds are used throughout the Diocese, please click
You can send your donation directly to the diocese or make an online donation here. Under parish name, select Church of the Holy Spirit Parish. Or use the QR code below.

Bishop’s Feb appeal letter DAC    

Please consider donating to Catholic Charities USA in response to the California wildfires. Reports are that thousands of homes have been destroyed with families losing all their possessions. In response, we would like to offer the opportunity to our faithful to participate with charitable assistance. If you would like to donate to this cause, please mark under memo on your check or on your envelope “DISASTER.”

Please take a moment to check the Lost and Found bin, located above the coat rack across from the restrooms. The last day to check the lost and found bin is March 9, 2025. We will donate the items after this weekend. 

Needing help to set up your gmail accounts for your Ministry? Or simply trying to send a bulletin or facilities request in a quick and easy way? All forms, instructions, and parish calendars are available using our Ministry Resource Website. This website can be accessed using the dropdown bar under “Forms/schedules” or using this link:  https://holyspiritpalmyra.com/ministry-resources-online-forms/ .


HOLY HOUR OF REPARATION: Friday, February 7, at 7pm, Main Church.
All are invited to our First Friday devotion. Spend some time with Jesus and offer up your prayers to His Sacred Heart to make reparation for our sins and the sins of the whole world. This year’s theme is the “Holy Mass and the Liturgy.”



Holy Spirit Parish, Palmyra is seeking to employ a Parish Manager. Responsible for assisting the Pastor in the overall administration of the Parish with respect to all matters pertaining to personnel, finance, buildings and grounds, parish committees and organizations, and scheduling. A Bachelor’s degree in accounting or business administration, or its equivalent to those, is required as well as a minimum of three years experience in business administration and personnel supervision. Experience with parish operations is preferred. The individual must have a working knowledge of Church teaching and an understanding of the mission/vision/philosophy of a Roman Catholic parish. The Parish Manager is a steward of the physical, financial, and personnel resources of the Parish and enables other ministries to function effectively. The Parish Manager values the ethical and efficient management of resources and thus enables the Parish to fulfill its mission and purpose. The preferred candidate will also have experience in the management/oversight of capital campaigns and building projectsResumes and/or for more information, please reach out to
Father Dijo at pastor@hspalmyra.com and Janet Parks at manager@hspalmyra.com.

We are looking for someone with strong organizational skills to work in the church office part-time. This position works closely with the leads of the parish ministries, as well as with the PREP coordinators. Other duties include office secretarial work and handling new parishioner registrations. If interested, please email Holly at outreach@hspalmyra.com and Father Dijo at pastor@hspalmyra.com. Thank you! 

We are seeking to employ a Music Director and Organist beginning July 1, 2025. This person is responsible for oversight and training of all music ministries and the overall planning, approval, rehearsal and providing of music for liturgies, Wednesday evening, Saturday and Sunday Masses, special services, weddings and funerals and for accompanying and teaching during choir rehearsals. This person shall also be responsible for the selection of music for, and direction of, the Children’s Choir, Folk Group and Sunday Choir. If interested, or would like to know more details, please email and send your resume to pastor@hspalmyra.com and Choir@hspalmyra.com.

ONLINE MINISTRY FAIR: February 3- February 16
Our Ministry Fair is now available online. Please consider taking some time to discover all of the wonderful ministries and what they do here at Holy Spirit. All information on the many ministries can be found on the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/25HSMINSURV.

SUPER BOWL SOUP SALE: Saturday & Sunday, February 8 & 9, after all weekend Masses, Agape Hall.
The 2025 Souper Bowl Soup Sale proceeds will be used to fund the Shelters operated by Catholic Charities for homeless families, unwed mothers, and those recovering from addictions. The suggested donation is $10 per quart.
PREP RESPECT LIFE BABY SHOWER: Collection will take place on the weekend of February 22 & 23. 
The Respect Life Ministry will again hold its annual PREP student Baby Shower in February. We are collecting items to support the Morning Star Pregnancy Services of Harrisburg and Align Pregnancy Services of Lebanon. Collection of items may be brought into the classroom by the weekend of February 22 & 23, 2025.The PREP students will be given a handout with items needed by both pregnancy services. Thank you for your continued support and participation in this yearly event helping moms and their children!


Losing a loved one can be one of the most difficult experiences we face in life. Holy Spirit Parish is starting their fifth grief support group for individuals suffering from the loss of a spouse, an adult child, or a parent. It will start the week of March 3 and run for 10 weeks. The group will not exceed 10 people and will meet at Holy Spirit Church once a week. Time and day are to be determined by attendees. To join or for more information please email griefsupport@hspalmyra.com.


NINJA WARRIOR COURSE AND MAIN GYM AT PARAMOUNT SPORTS: Sunday, March 2, from 2pm-4pm, Paramount Sports Complex, Annville.
Parish students who attend PREP/Catholic School in grades 1st-8th are invited to join our Jr. Youth Ministry at the Ninja Warrior Course and Main Gym at Paramount Sports. RSVP by February 21 to jryouthministry@hspalmyra.com.
ITALIAN MASS AT SAINT JOAN OF ARC: Sunday, March 23, at 1:30pm.
Reverend Joshua Brommer, will be the celebrant of this Italian Mass. Please join us for the Holy Mass and Italian dinner receptions following. For information, please contact Maria DiSanto at 717-554-5698, or email her at disanto1@comcast.net. Or contact Mariella Amato at 717-278-9420. 

FISH FRY 2025: Fridays: March 7, 14, 21, & 28 and April 4 & 11 from 3pm-7pm.Come join us for our annual Lenten Fish Fry. For 2025, Dine-in, To go, and Online curbside to go is available. Featuring N. Atlantic Haddock (Baked or Fried), Crab Cakes, Shrimp, Clam Strips, Perogies, Soup, & Mac-n-cheese. To volunteer, please sign-up online at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0C4EADA629A3FA7-49225444-fish, or send an email to fishfry@hspalmyra.com. We will need soda and water donations. Please drop off any donations at the church.


Many women who have experienced abortion(s) hide the secret deep in their hearts and suffer in silence. For years women may struggle with guilt, shame, anger and depression. The Surrendering the Secret 8-week Bible study enables women to release these burdens and find healing through God’s Word in a caring, compassionate, and confidential environment. Spring and fall groups are available. To join and/or for more information, please call Morning Star at 717-403-6330, or email STS@morningstarclinics.com. All inquiries are confidential.

The Community Health Council of Lebanon is offering education events and opportunities for Immigrants. Please view the workshops by clicking on the link: https://communityhealthcouncil.com/immigration-workshops/.

Are you in need of prayer? Are you lonely or overwhelmed? The National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton has a prayer line available with staff who will speak with and pray with you. Your prayer intentions can be placed on the tomb of Mother Seton. Call us toll free at 1-866-202-4934, Monday – Friday, 10am – 5 pm. We are here for you. 


The Areba Club is open to adults in the area over 50 year old, regardless of race, ethnicity, or religion. Join us for our meetings held the third Tuesday of the month at 1pm in the SJA Parish Social Hall, 359 W. Areba Avenue, Hershey, PA. For more information, please contact Marge Michalski at 717-838-6415. Areba Club information, including trips, can be found at https://www.stjoanhershey.org/areba-club.html. A schedule and description of their upcoming trips is also posted on Holy Spirit’s bulletin board outside the parish office.


HOLY SPIRIT MAGNETS are available for $5 for your refrigerator and car. Stop by our parish office during regular business hours and help support the Knights of Columbus and our church!