“To seek to know the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ; to celebrate together as a Catholic family of faith; and to share our gifts and talents in loving service to others.”

Parish Office  717-838-3369
Mass Times

Weekly Bulletin

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SHINE FITNESS CHARITY OPPORTUNITIES: Let’s Get Fit for fall and raise some funds for charity! This month in our Shine Fitness Ministry, we’re collecting donations for the YWCA of Greater Harrisburg Emergency Shelter and for St. Francis of Assisi Soup Kitchen. Attend any class or shine ministry event and make a free-will offering to one of the charities. Shine calendar: Sept Classes 2024.


MASS OF CREATION: Sunday, September 22, at 8:30am Mass.
Please join us in celebrating the beautiful gift of God’s creation of the world. We will enjoy God’s creation by celebrating our Mass outside, under the pavilion. Coffee, donuts, and fellowship will follow in Agape hall after Mass. 




The Knights of Columbus and the Migrant Justice Ministry will have a coat drive collection. With your tremendous support, we will be able to expand our ability to support those in need. Beside coats, we will be adding sweatshirts to the request list. Please drop off new and used coats and sweatshirts in good condition of any size in the bin in the narthex starting from 9/1-9/30.



BABY BOTTLE HANDOUT: The weekends of September 14 & 15, after all weekend Masses. 
The Respect Life Ministry will be holding its annual Baby Bottle Handout. This year’s collected donations will benefit the Morning Star Pregnancy Center. Please return the baby bottles by Sunday, September 29. Your consideration in donating to support this important cause is greatly appreciated.

MORNING STAR 5K RUN AND WALK FOR LIFE: Saturday, September 14, 2024, Harrisburg, City Island.
Morning Star’s 5K Run and Walk for Life will be held at Harrisburg, City Island. Funds raised from this annual event goes towards helping women, children and families in Central Pennsylvania. There are registration forms on the table in the narthex or sign up online at https://supportmorningstar.com/When completing the registration form, the team name is “Respect for Life, Holy Spirit Catholic Church.”

RELIGIOUS APPRECIATION DINNER (ALL INVITED): Tuesday, September 17, 5pm is Happy Hour and 6pm Dinner, Mary Gate of Heaven.
Please join Mary Gate of Heaven and the Lebanon District Council of Catholic Women share their appreciation for all our religious brothers and sisters. All are welcome to come and enjoy a tasteful catered meal and happy hour. Tickets are $25/per person. Tickets are on sale until Monday, September 8. Contact our parish office to order a ticket at church@hspalmyra.com. Please leave your full name and phone number. 

SOCCER CHALLENGE FOR GIRLS & BOYS AGES 9-14: Saturday, September 21, 3pm, Iron Valley Soccer Fields.
The Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge 2024 will be held at Campbelltown Soccer Park. For entry forms visit https://www.hskofc10502.org/soccer-challenge. For more information or questions, contact Steve Kristich at steve@nk-graphics.com or 717-507-2744. Click here for registration forms: Soccer Challenge Form 2024 1.

WOMEN’S RETREAT REGISTRATION 2024: Saturday, September 21, 2024, 9am-3pm.
Please join our community of women for another year of fun, Mass, great discussions, lunch, and more. Retreat leader, Anita Wood will delve into love lessons from six saints who, through prayer and a sincere desire to listen for God’s voice, experience the Mystery of God’s Love. Registration fee is $30 and includes lunch. To register click here: Women’s Retreat 2024.

UNTHINKABLE MOVIE AT BISHOP MCDEVITT: Saturday, September 21, at 7pm
The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation has arranged for a special screening of the film Unthinkable at Bishop McDevitt High School. The film is a “shocking expose of the abortion industry and its darkest secrets.”

Join the Respect Life Ministry at the PA March for Life in Harrisburg on Monday, September 23, and have your voice heard supporting Pro-Life. The rally starts at 11am and the march begins at 12noon. The march is only 1 mile around the State Capitol, and participants will meet at the corner of South Street & North 3rd Street. Since we will not be providing bus transportation, there is a parking garage at 220 South Streer or North Parking Lot on City Island or visit www.parkharrisburg.org. For additional questions, please contact Art Bond at 717-383-8583 or email him at abond702@comcast.net. Please email Art if you will be joining the Respect Life Ministry, so we can march together.  

SMALL GROUP BOOK STUDY: Wednesday mornings, September 25 – November 13 (no meeting October 9), 9:30am-10:30am.
We will be reading and discussing Forget Not Love: The Passion of Maximilian Koble by Andre Frossard. It’s the heroic story of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, a modern apostle of Catholic evangelization, Marian spirituality, and a martyr of charity who volunteered to die in place of a fellow prisoner in Auschwitz. We will meet Wednesday mornings in the third-grade classroom. You can purchase the book wherever you would like. Amazon offers it for $16.16. For more information or to register to attend, please contact Kathryn Gentry at kgentry920@verizon.net or 717-838-6521.


Babies are on the way, and we want to give them and their moms-to-be a happy, healthy start. Women’s Ministry Network has been working with Catholic Charities’ Lourdeshouse Maternity Services to organize and have a baby shower for expectant mothers currently under their care, and it’s just around the corner! Lourdeshouse has collected needs lists from the women with items including: diapers, wipes, onesies and other clothing, bottles, books, etc. We will have tags with the needed items written on them available September 28- October 6 in the narthex. Simply pick up a tag, purchase the item and return the wrapped gift with the tag attached by October 9th. Please contact Ann Donnelly at WMN@hspalmyra.com, if you have any questions.

MIGRANT JUSTICE MINISTRY STATIONS OF THE CROSS: After 11am Mass on Sunday, September 29.
“God walks with his people” stations of the Cross event. Please help acknowledge the 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees with a special outdoor Stations of the Cross (inside if bad weather). Join the Migrant Justice Ministry for this special holy walk to share prayer and contemplation for those who flee their homelands for a safer place to live and be part of God’s plan.

SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE LOSS GROUP: Solanus Casey House, 405 Quaker Dr, York, off Kingston Rd , 8 -weeks video series, starts October 3.
St. Joseph Catholic Church in York, Companions in Hope Ministry will be hosting an 8-week video series, “When A Loved One Dies by Suicide,” produced by Sanctuary Mental Health. There is perhaps nothing more painful than to lose a loved one to suicide. In this group we accompany each other in a setting where free expression of grief is acceptable, confidentiality is observed, compassion, and non- judgmental attitudes prevail as we encounter Divine Mercy. Thursdays October 3 – November 21, from 6:30-8:00pm. No cost. Please register at Companionsinhope@gmail.com, or call Theresa at 717-495-0084.

GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP FALL SERIES: Starts October 7, and runs for 10 weeks.
Losing a loved one can be one of the most difficult experiences we face in life. Holy Spirit Parish is starting their fifth grief support group for individuals suffering from the loss of a spouse, an adult child, or a parent. It will start the week of October 7, and run for 10 weeks. The group will not exceed 10 people and will meet at Holy Spirit Church. Time and day are to be determined by attendees. To join or for more information, please email griefsupport@hspalmyra.com. Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

PADRE PIO PILGRIMAGE: Monday, October 21, 7:30am-5:30pm.
Respect Life Ministry and the Knights of Columbus have scheduled a pilgrimage to Padre Pio National Center in Barto, PA on Monday, October 21. There will be a bus available backed by the Knights for $35 and a box lunch, for $10, available for those who would like to attend. The bus leaves Holy Spirit at 7:30am and returns by 5:30pm. We are hoping Father Dijo will be able to participate and say Mass in the chapel at Padre Pio (just waiting on confirmation). For those who want to participate but not travel by bus, they can meet us there.

BEGINNING EXPERIENCE FALL 2024: November 8-10, Camp Kirchenwald, Lebanon, PA. 
Beginning Experience is your church at work to provide help, healing, and spiritual restoration, The weekend is led by people who have lost a spouse through death or divorce. Each Beginning Experience team is certified by the International Beginning Experience Organization. Check out the Harrisburg Diocesan website for more information: http://www.hbgdiocese.org/ and go to marriage and family, or check www.beginningexperience.org. Information can also be obtained by contacting the Harrisburg Beginning Experience Team, Julie, at 717-379-0800.

The Diocese is inviting all people and parishes to join them in their pilgrimage to the nation shrine. They have a whole day filled with concerts, Mass, discussions, touring the beautiful Basilica, and much more. If you are interested, email Becky Messimer at church@hspalmyra.com.

Are you in need of prayer? Are you lonely or overwhelmed? The National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton has a prayer line available with staff who will speak with and pray with you. Your prayer intentions can be placed on the tomb of Mother Seton. Call us toll free at 1-866-202-4934, Monday – Friday, 10am – 5 pm. We are here for you. 

Savannah & Barrier Islands: Oct. 27- Nov. 2. Depart on Oct. 27 at 6:30pm and return Nov. 2 at 10:15pm.
Peddler’s Village: Wednesday, November 20 from 7:45am- 7pm.
For more information on these events and their specific information contact Josette Houri at (717) 838-4982.


The Areba Club is open to adults in the area over 50 year old, regardless of race, ethnicity, or religion. Join us for our meetings held the third Tuesday of the month at 1pm in the SJA Parish Social Hall, 359 W. Areba Avenue, Hershey, PA. For more information, please contact Marge Michalski at 717-838-6415. Areba Club information, including trips, can be found at https://www.stjoanhershey.org/areba-club.html. A schedule and description of their upcoming trips is also posted on Holy Spirit’s bulletin board outside the parish office.


HOLY SPIRIT MAGNETS are available for $5 for your refrigerator and car. Stop by our parish office during regular business hours and help support the Knights of Columbus and our church!