Shine Faith and Fitness

shine Mar 2025 Schedule

LECTIO DIVINA: What is Lectio Divina? Have you always wanted to know how to do it? Watch this YouTube video!

ABOUT OUR MINISTRY: Shine Faith and Fitness Exercise Ministry invites you to join in the fun! We are a group that prays together, exercises together and participates in charity events. We meet one to three times a week in Agape Hall. Class formats are for everyone and include things like drumming on balls with drum sticks; dumbbells; TRX suspension trainers; partner exercises; weighted bars and resistance bands and kettlebells.

A freewill offering is accepted at classes. 100% of the funds generated goes back into the ministry for equipment and class needs or is donated to charitable causes. Each class session ends with a Christian meditation and stretch period. Grab a copy of our class schedule in the Narthex and head to a class! We’d love to see you there! Email Tina at Shine for additional information at  

Fun, laughter and fellowship is our ministry guarantee!
We hope to see you in a class. 

Contact Tina Kowalski at