Our Lady of the Cross School
1691 Grace Avenue
Lebanon, PA 17046
email: office@ourladyofthecross.org
Our Lady of the Cross is a small PreK-12
private and independent school.
Mission & Vision: Our Lady of the Cross is a Christ-centered, independent school faithful to the Magisterium, imparting faith and reason through a traditional and rigorous Catholic education. Partnering with parents as a community of faith, the school nurtures the whole child, developing each child in mind, body, and spirit to be a productive citizen who witnesses to Christ.
POINSETTIA SALE: Our lady of the Cross Catholic School is selling Poinsettia’s for the holidays. If you are interested in purchasing these beautiful flowers, please print out and fill out the form Poinsettia Sale Our Lady of the Cross. For more information or questions, contact Tracy Bender at tbender@ourladyofthecross.org.