“To seek to know the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ; to celebrate together as a Catholic family of faith; and to share our gifts and talents in loving service to others.”

Parish Office  717-838-3369
Mass Times

Weekly Bulletin

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FISH FRY 2025:
To view our Fish Fry menu, order online, and/or to volunteer go to our Fish Fry webpage by clicking on the link:https://holyspiritpalmyra.com/fish-fry/.

PREP REGISTRATION FORMS AVAILABLE: Deadline to register is May 31.
Registration for the 2025—26 PREP year has begun.  Registration forms and information has been sent home with the students attending in-person and are available near the bulletin board in the east end entrance hallway. If your child is currently not registered in our program, please come by the office to complete a registration form, or print the forms out at home by using the pdfs: 2025-26 PREP Registration Form 1 and 2025-26 Med Information Form.

EASTER FLOWER MEMORIALS: Due by Sunday, April 6, at 12noon. 
If you would like to memorialize a loved one at Easter, please complete the form, attach your payment, and drop if off at our parish office or in the collection basket. The memorial forms are available on the narthex table or view and print the form here: Flower_Memorial_Form2025.


PARISH COUNCIL NOMINATION 2025: Deadline is Sunday, April 6. 
Parish Council nominations will be held from Sunday, March 16 – Sunday, April 6. To nominate yourself or someone else for Council please fill out the form located here: PC-Solicitation-Form2025, or on the narthex table. Nominations must be submitted to parishcouncil@hspalmyra.com on later then April 6. 

For information regarding the Diocesan Annual Campaign (DAC) and how some of these funds are used throughout the Diocese, please click
You can send your donation directly to the diocese or make an online donation here. Under parish name, select Church of the Holy Spirit Parish. Or use the QR code below. This year’s goal is $118,700.55. Bishop’s Feb appeal letter DAC    


LOURDESHOUSE MATERNITY HOME BABY SHOWER COLLECTION: Tags will be available on March 23, Narthex table, deadline is April 6. 
Babies are on the way, and we want to give them and their moms-to-ne a happy, healthy start. Women’s Ministry Network has been working with Catholic Charities’ Lourdeshouse Maternity Services to organize and have a baby shower for expectant mother currently under their care, and it’s just around the corner! Lourdeshouse has collected needs lists from the women with items including: diapers, wipes, onesies, and other clothing, bottles, books, etc. The WMN Ministry will have the tags with the needed items written on them available the weekend of March 22/23 in the narthex. Simply pick up a tags, purchase the item, and return the wrapped gift with the tag attached by Sunday, April 6. Please contact Ann Donnelly at WMN@hspalmyra.com if you have any questions. Please view our webpage: https://holyspiritpalmyra.com/wmn/ for more information on the Lourdsehouse and their organization. 


ZOO AMERICA JR. YOUTH MINISTRY EVENT: Sunday, April 6, from 1pm-2:30pm. 
Parish Students in grades 1-8 who attend PREP/Catholic School are invited to join us for a “Paws, Claws, Scales and Tales” presentation at ZooAmerica. We will learn about animal families and how, through adaptation, they use their bodies to survive. After the presentation, we will visit the zoo. When you RSVP, let us know if your child has a HersheyPark or ZooAmerica pass as we will receive a discounted price. If they do, please bring it along to the event. Also, this event will be prepaid, so we kindly ask if you RSVP, please ensure your child attends the event. RSVP by March 28 to jryouthministry@hspalmyra.com


EASTER EGG HUNT: Saturday, April 12, 11am, at Holy Spirit Church.
The Knights of Columbus will sponsor their annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 12, at 11am. Rain or shine! All children 12 years old and under are welcome to participate. There will be a coloring contest, punch & cookies and a visit from the Easter Bunny! Please join us for this event as we celebrate the Easter season. 


Discount tickets to Hersheypark are available. Gate admission for Regular is $90.80; our price is $44.95 (ALL ages 3+) valid until January 4, 2026. You can add-on: Hersheypark Single Use Meal Deal Tickets for $19.06 each, and/or a Parking Pass for $26.00 pre-ordered or pay $35.00 onsite. Tickets purchased in 2025 are valid for any 1 public operating day throughout the 2025 calendar year, but will not be valid past their expiration date. Refunds, extensions or upgrades will not be offered. Orders must be received at the parish by Friday, April 25, 2025. Parishes will receive tickets on or before the week of May 19, 2025. Forms available on the narthex table or view them using the link:
Hersheypark Discount Tickets form 2025. Checks are payable to Holy Spirit Catholic Church. 

Many women who have experienced abortion(s) hide the secret deep in their hearts and suffer in silence. For years women may struggle with guilt, shame, anger and depression. The Surrendering the Secret 8-week Bible study enables women to release these burdens and find healing through God’s Word in a caring, compassionate, and confidential environment. Spring and fall groups are available. To join and/or for more information, please call Morning Star at 717-403-6330, or email STS@morningstarclinics.com. All inquiries are confidential.

Are you in need of prayer? Are you lonely or overwhelmed? The National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton has a prayer line available with staff who will speak with and pray with you. Your prayer intentions can be placed on the tomb of Mother Seton. Call us toll free at 1-866-202-4934, Monday – Friday, 10am – 5 pm. We are here for you. 


The Areba Club is open to adults in the area over 50 year old, regardless of race, ethnicity, or religion. Join us for our meetings held the third Tuesday of the month at 1pm in the SJA Parish Social Hall, 359 W. Areba Avenue, Hershey, PA. For more information, please contact Marge Michalski at 717-838-6415. Areba Club information, including trips, can be found at https://www.stjoanhershey.org/areba-club.html. A schedule and description of their upcoming trips is also posted on Holy Spirit’s bulletin board outside the parish office.


HOLY SPIRIT MAGNETS are available for $5 for your refrigerator and car. Stop by our parish office during regular business hours and help support the Knights of Columbus and our church!